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Choosing the best liquor license consultant.

Before you decide on who you are going to use as a consultant to handle your liquor license application you need to verify a number of details. Make sure you choose the right consultant because if you do not you can end up spending a lot without having your license approved or even without the application being lodged.

First of all you should ask yourself – ” How did I get this liquor license consultant “

If a liquor license consultant has been recommended by a reliable source it makes it easier but you should still do some homework.

If you got his details from an advert or from internet, you must do proper research. Before contacting the consultant go to his web site checking and Facebook page for reviews. Also read all the posts and article to try and establish if this person knows what he is talking about.

Working with a liquor license consultant

Once you have done this and you feel this consultant can fulfill you requirements set up a meeting. Make sure to visit the liquor license consultant in his own office. Even if you are far away it will in the end be in your best interest and give you peace of mind by going to his office on your first meeting. Do not meet up at a neutral venue such as a restaurant. At this meeting evaluate the Consultant and if he want to take money from you without even asking you key questions you should see this as a red light.

Let the consultant explain the procedure and requirements to you. Ask questions such as how long has the consultant been doing liquor license applications. Ask for references and proof of applications that has been lodged. Also get proof of some approved license applications. In KwaZulu-Natal ask at which liquor license offices he lodge the applications.

Under no circumstances appoint a consultant without signing an agreement. Read his standard agreement and ensure what you are paying for and what additional cost will be involved. Who will be paying for the floor plan or is it included is also a question you should raise.

In KwaZulu-Natal the normal charges should be the following:

  1. Consultant fee.
  2. Lodging fee to liquor authorities.
  3. Advertising fee.
  4. Activation fee. At the time the license is approved.

There can be additional costs involved when objections are lodged against the granting of your applications. Normally it is easier and cheaper for you to get your own business license but if you decide that the liquor license consultant must do it inquire the cost involved.

If you are still unsure contact the liquor license office he normally use and obtain a reference from them.


You should never sign any agreement neither part with any cash until you are sure the consultant is above board.

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